Pope Eugene IV: "Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all to hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate, he will without a doubt perish in eternity." Council of Florence, Sess. 8, Nov. 22, 1439, ex cathedra.
This did not come from my mouth, who am I? I am a man who bleeds, look at my facebook photos as an athlete, I have limitations, I have joint issues and still must die and face judgment by my God. Am I to lie to you like anti-pope John Paul II and Benny Boy the dog he is who claims to be the present pope? I cannot lie to you where I am punished for saying it is okay to stay in sin or to stay in your false religion. Come out of the beast, novus ordo or other protestant church, or the pagan religion you are in and get yourself without delay into the one, holy, Catholic (universal) and apostolic church before you leave this world, don't wait until tomorrow to do it, you may not be here. Test not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For He is a God of vengeance, jealousy, justice and judgment as well as mercy. The pigs of Vatican II the imposters they were tell you God is okay with false religions, do not be a Jew anymore the old covenant passed at the death of Christ and a new covenant under God through Jesus Christ came about. You must believe that and the mystery of the Holy Trinity, that Christ is the second person of the Trinity as true God and true man and in the Incarnation first, the rest shall come by the grace of God lest ye perish. If you do not listen to true Popes and are not in communion with them as the vicars of Christ ye shall surely die. From Peter to Pius XII, we will never have another Pope. Christ will come again though to judge the living and the dead. Is a Pope just a man, surely but he is also the voice of the Holy Ghost (Spirit) who cannot lie, take heed of the pronouncements of the true Popes when they speak with authority, for it is not of their opinion or own making but that of God.

Vatican Catholic videos and articles, Most Holy Family Monastery Videos. I am unable to post many things from other websites, books, magazines, papers or articles so you must also take the time to learn and seek the truth in saving your souls even you girlfriend and former girlfriends along with any children from me or other children you have. While I see problems with every other website out there that is sedevacantist on some moral or dogmatic issues you must pray for the divine guidance to discern the truth in other things I have not taught you directly when I spoke with you and when you looked at my websites. So never look at non-sedevacantist sites to learn from other than some things that traditioninaction.org may post. Don't take their heretical position that the vatican 2 sect and its antipopes and its antibishops and invalid clergy and fake nuns have. There is no apostolic authority in the V2 novus ordo and you cannot be a member of them or even a sedevacantist organization. You cannot give a penny to any of them. For those who use NFP or believe its okay, it is birth control since it limits childbearing. You cannot interfere when God wants you to have a baby. You are not permitted to plan how many children you will have, if you don't want pregnancy then keep your thing in your pants and keep your thing girl in your dress or shorts. That is the only way even if you are married you may not limit childbearing. Use of NFP and its acceptance is non-Catholic and by Divine Law excommunicates you from the Church. You must then take the profession of faith again and abjure privately again. Some say don't shoot the messenger, but those of God say I am just a messenger of truth and cannot deviate from the teachings of the true Church and its morals. So kill me if you must and nothing will make us few remnant happier if you the pagans or who ever you are pump some lead in us or decapitate us few, you kill the body but not the soul. I will lay my life down for Christ and the Church anytime, anywhere like the martyrs did. You cannot kill God and the Church though in which you have a problem. I may love the wife and girl, the family and children, the friends and even others but I will not give in even if you leave me, hate me or anything up to torturing me slowly and eventually kill me. We must give up all in this world then if we are to make it to heaven. I want you to view the whole website in that I have all or much of what you need to live by and die by so you can have a much better chance to save thy soul.

You must be a member of the true Catholic Church in order to save your soul. There is no such thing as being a non-member or being in the soul of the Church. You must be in the Body of the Church that is the Body of Christ. His mystical body is the only way you can be saved, His blood, not my blood, I can only die for certain things to help you and to show I love you. I promised you I would die for you but is that going to be good enough to get you to heaven, no, but only seek the truth but then you must believe it and live it completely. Then hear me and listen, abandon anyone or anything that takes you away from saving your soul. We cannot presume that others or ourselves are saved just because we believe or are Catholic even, and we cannot despair either since in both cases we are lost and these are sins against the Holy Ghost. The Council of Trent says let them be anathema for those who presume they are going to heaven and for the others that they are going to heaven. One cannot say at a viewing or funeral or later on he or she was a saint or holy and is in heaven or is going to get to heaven because they are in purgatory, no I do not say that such a one is in hell but they probably are. God forbid. How can a heretic be saved or a person who dies in a state of mortal sin? Truly the sad part is they cannot be saved and if they died in such a state of sin and became an enemy of God for being in mortal sin they then as the Church teaches are in hell and we can sadly say this person is lost. I see it all the time and they cry at the funeral and truly they should be crying for the woman, girl, child of reason, man, guy in the metal box is burning in eternal fires and going through the most excruciating pains and sufferings for all eternity. You must abjure, profess the Council of Trent's Profession of Faith and come inside the living body of the CATHOLIC CHURCH as she is in the true Mystical Body of Christ whose blood is the only blood that can save a soul. I would be glad to die for those whom I love so dearly that they listen and hear me so this sad thing not happen to them. Lord have mercy on them.

First obey the Ten Commandments, avoid fornication, adultery, unnatural vices such as homosexuality, lesbianism. Imitate the saints, be like Christ and the Blessed Mother. Avoid lustful thoughts and sins of the flesh. Our bodies and whole being are to be pure since we are temples of the Holy Ghost. Prayer daily in the form of Catholic worship according to tradition prior to the Vatican II Council. Don't be fooled by some of the orthodox teachings of Vatican II, it is what is mixed with it that destroys the soul on the matters of faith and morals. Pray for others salvation and welfare, offer yourself up to be a victim soul if possible. You can be married, single and that includes those many who have long term relationships with their male or female partner. Pray on your knees, do not be in communion with apostates and heretics. It means you cannot pray or worship with them. You can marry them, date them, be with them and do everything with your family, friends, acquainences, lover, children and spouse... Other than promote sinful things. You cannot condone, agree or tell others to do sinful things. Do not engage in abortion, birth control of any sort, nor natural family planning. Do not have premarital sex, do not live with your sexual partner. What is a sexual partner, one you plan to marry? If you are not planning to marry them or with them in order to save their souls, then start looking at the reason why you are with them. Sex does not mean doing the natural or certainly unnatural in a male-female relationship. It means you can hold hands, kiss them in proper places of the body, touch them properly, sit or stand by their side, kneel by their side, workout together, you cannot go into her unless you are married to her. The law of God is that you marry and procreate with her, you can enjoy it also but that is secondary. She is your wife and if you can have children still then that is why you are married, then not to be alone. She is now one with you in marriage as long as you both live. You are to guide her to heaven along with any children you have. Steps To Convert for those whom you love that you seek to convert to the catholic Church. Also fast and abstain on the days of the calendar at the time of Pius XI before Annibale Bugnini started to get things changed under the Papacy of the last Pope - Pius XII in 1947 and beyond. Do not eat meat on Fridays but fish and other sources of protein if that is in your diet. Beans, fruit and vegetables are good. Be no drunkard or glutton. Be not lazy, be prayerful, seek to be holy, seek to stay away from mortal sin. You cannot have sensual pleasures with others or yourself other than the marriage bed. Sensual means sexual to the point of intercourse or things that entice one to go beyond what is appropriate behavior. Unnatural is two males or two females, anything that is oral and dealing with a uncomely part. Kissing is fine but have a cut off point so you are not tempted to find yourself with her opening herself up to let you in. Get it man, get it girl! You need self control.

Have the corporal and spiritual works of mercy when possible. The spiritual works of mercy are much more important than the corporal. Even if we suffer and die and injustice is done in this world, eternal life or death is at stake. Saving souls is the most important thing and saving your own first. If we lose our souls, nothing we had in the 100 years or less in the world means a thing. A hundred million bucks won't do you good in hell for eternity. A beautiful girlfriend or wife and kids means nothing if they and you end up in hell. A high paying job and a Ph.D. or Masters is of nothing if you burn in hellfire. Whatever or whoever it is is nothing in this world or has no value if we lost our souls.

If I cannot be with you in eternity that is heaven where I seek to guide you, and you are going to hell, what is it that you be my wife, bear my children and you are lost? How can the believer then exist with the unbeliever, see 1 Corinthians 7, 2 Cor. 6, 2 John 1, 2 Thess. 3. You rejected sanctifying grace and cannot be saved without it. I must baptize you properly woman, but how can I when you shut me out? You are not worthy of a good man or spouse if you are so worldly and do not care about your own soul. I will always care about your soul. Your soul is what I desire for heaven even if we must part ways.

In a novus ordo church or one in communion with it I caution you to get baptized again, why? Because the so called sacrament is doubtful or invalid. I told you how it must be done, intention is the main problem since it does not do what the true Church does but what Vatican II does. Now if the water is poured on the forehead, the skin, and the heretic priest or priest in quotes said it out loud the necessary words and poured thrice on the skin of the forehead and had the INTENTION to remove the stain of original sin then the baptism is valid, but if that intention is not there and the intent is to welcome them in a community then that intention is null and void and the sacrament is not confected. It must signify the grace of a valid sacrament. That is why in all or in most cases the novus ordo baptism is not valid.

First and above all and we all have failed is to love the Lord Thy God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength and to love our neighbor as ourself. Do not go along with the immorality of the world, do not associate with worldly people unless you intend to convert them and be an example to them so that they may hopefully turn away from their sins. Follow the saints and how they lived even if you and I may not attain to higher levels of being any kind of saint. It is the attempt to live as holy as you can and be willing to lose your life in this world for Christ and His Church. Be charitable in any way you can to atone for your sins or the sins of others. Only Catholics can be saints, martyrs, and be holy. One can be completely unselfish, give up all in this world and even their own life turned over to flames, persecutions, humiliation, being in poverty and still lose their soul just because they did not join the Catholic Church. I entreat you to be a member of the Mystical Body of Christ the Church, the Divine Spouse, or you will perish. You are the branches, He is the Vine, apart from Him and His CHURCH you can not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. If you see someone who is a pagan, a non-believer, someone who was not baptized with water, do what you can to baptize them with water the proper way with the intention to do what the Catholic Church does. Any heretic can baptize. See this site: How To Baptize Catholics do not use the novus ordo Vatican II form, it is defective. If you were born in 1969 and after please if you were born inside the Vatican II sect church get rebaptized properly as I told you or you will perish. Your baptism would still be valid and licit even in the Vatican II sect even since October or November of 1962 it was no longer the Catholic Church but its first antipope and leader was John XXIII. Paul VI became the first anti-pope of the novus ordo Vatican II sect since he promulgated the novus ordo ordinal of 1969. From the invalid election of John xxiii to the present and for how long or even until the end of of the world we will never have a pope or hierarchy again. We have no more bishops anywhere in the world today that I know of that can consecrate and ordain men to bishops and the priesthood due to their heresies. Sometime in 1958 during the last year of Pius XII there were changes and beliefs in the true Church that had been occurring since the 1940's on the dogmas and faith of the Church. They were being attacked and since John XXIII was a heretic and a freemasonic modernist liberal we know his election was null and void. So what church was he in charge of? Not the Catholic Church but a non-catholic church disguised as the Church and it was not prevalent to see that until 1962 but then what became of the Church in the months of 1958 prior to the death of the last Pope and was it the Church still? In that the sacraments and Mass were still valid and licit yes. In the way that the salvation dogma and updates to the Mass and feasts of saints and more happened and were progressing to spiritual destruction-no. So those who lost faith in 1942 or 49 and later in the 50's were excommunicated by divine law. This is not reconciliable at all to Christ and His Church. She then continues with or without members such as the time of St. Athanasius. They have the buildings we have the faith. So be faithful to Christ and His Church and do not be condemned like the many who of their own heresies and apostacy left the Church be it in the 40's, 50's or when the revolution of the 1960's was evident at Vatican II and afterward. How could a child such as I in 1965 at the age of 3 know? It took me until 2006 to get into the Church. I was baptized in late 1961 soon after birth and since it was valid in the proper rite and in Latin then I under the age of reason was inside the Church and was until probably 1968 or 1969 and no longer in the Church not knowing I was a member of the body of Christ. Why did it take so long for me to find out? Well I found out and it was not too late for me and it is not too late for you either if you get out of the novus ordo sect and your other false christian religions and the pagan religions such as Islam, Buddhist, Hindus, Jews and their talmud and even the old Judaism of the Old Testament... .... so save your souls now. From October 1958 to October of 1962 upon his election and his death in 1963 John XXIII was not the head of the Catholic Church even though it still existed in the form of valid sacraments and a valid Mass until 1962 and doubtful holy orders for the priesthood in early 1962 if not invalid due to lack of intention of the Vatican II sect or any bishop at the time who would have lost office as soon as they become heretics or apostates. In 1962 before the robber council started there were many undeclared heretic bishops inside the Church who may have had doubtful validity as a bishop still or lost it completely at Vatican II with the destruction of dogmas and doctrines. If you are a protestant or of any other religion you must be baptized immediately according to the Catholic Church pertaining to Trent and the Council of Florence. It is infallible and is from the Holy Ghost. I will be glad to baptize you if you are in the Philly region. Just contact me and we will set up a time to get you started to save your soul.

So I urge you to get that baby or your girlfriend, wife, children... whomever, then pour water on their forehead three times separately as you make the sign of the cross, saying out loud their name if known, I BAPTIZE THEE HELENA, or JOSEPH, IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY GHOST. AMEN. Make the sign of the cross as you pour the water on them and then they have entered into the Catholic Church. They are no longer outside her nor are they catechumens anymore. Yes, I am working on those souls that are willing yet some are unwilling at this time. I ask you to be ready to lay your life down for souls that they obtain the sanctifying grace they need in order to wake up and be united with Christ and His Church, turn away from sin, repent and do all the necessary things required to please God and get to heaven eventually. Believe in all the dogmas, doctrines and teachings of the Church. Do not receive heretics. You can find out what that means by reading John. Approving of heresies and accepting a heretical teaching, being in communion with them is not something you can do. I love these people just the same, I may be friends with them, I eat with them but I do not pray or worship with them. Pray at home, in your room, in a mall, in a park. Do not go their buildings such as any denominational protestant church, temple, mosque, synagogue. if you have nowhere to pray, pray alone unless she is Catholic. Don't pray with your family, not even on holidays at the table, do not make the sign of the cross with them. Do your signs and prayers separate from them inside the chapel, inside the home or wherever you may be. For spouses and the boyfriend whose girlfriend is not Catholic, pray for her, not with her, though she be by your side in a traditional Catholic church or chapel or even a novus ordo chapel or church, you only accompany her, do not pray out loud with her even if you are hand and hand, keep your prayers silent as you pray alone for her conversion to the Church. She may be pure, she strives to be holy, she may even be a virgin, all good things, she wants to bear children with you as your wife and obey you. She does what seems so perfect, one thing lacks, she must be inside the Church, get her there even if you must lose your life for her soul. I did not say temporally for we would die for the welfare of our children and those we love, but that is not as pure as dying for the salvation of the eternal soul that will burn and be punished forever in hell with billions of other lost souls. You must suffer, must have pain, must sacrifice things if not all for your soul or their soul(s). Is it necessarily the third prong of receiving heretics that may be confusing of all three parts? The other two are quite visible and known, where as the third is not known but may be scandalous in that you or I are using a traditional or novus ordo chapel or one of their churches or facilities in order to pray with someone who is Catholic or is intending to be Catholic, or you are praying alone. Generally the Church indicates we should not use these buildings, known as houses of heretics to pray or worship God and most certainly this cannot be denied since we are familiar with Pius IX's encyclical - GRAVES AC DIUTURNAE.

If you can avoid such places then do so, if you cannot then pray there. It is scandalous only when you are approached and say I will pray with you. Or they ask or try to pray with you when you are alone and you pray with them or pretend to pray with them. You do not have to tell anyone that is just bread in their monstrances and tabernacles. If asked why do you pray in such a place when you do not believe the novus ordo is valid then say I must pray somewhere friend in the form of charity toward this heretic. I respect you and leave you to pray and I also believe in my God and the saints and I am alone with heaven at my disposal here to pray silently, to cry here if I must cry and to beg forgiveness for my sins and if I have been wronged by another. I have had to turn them down and specify I pray alone as the saints. I do not believe in praying with two or more or in the other sense they use as a community. God forbid. You cannot do that. Okay we concur an exposed host in a chapel or church can pose a problem anywhere and that includes sedevacante chapels. You cannot worship what is in a monstrance or tabernacle anywhere today. You can pray. Christ is present in your heart, the Holy Ghost dwells in thy soul if you are not in mortal sin, and God is omnipresent meaning around you. If you must pray there then do so because you are able to pray fervently there and kneel, be not a hypocrite. We no longer have any buildings or facilities, they own them all, so if this is what you must do then it is better to pray then not to pray at all. It is better to pray fervently then not to pray as fervently or just to recite meaningless words in your Rosary or daily prayers, private prayers.... It is a form of justification, and it works similarly to supplied jurisdiction and epikeia.

The words that come out of the mouth are also an indication of the person you are. It is sickening to hear certain words especially come out of the mouths of females of any age. Many guys even that are not religious or moral in some senses are turned off by the words that come out of a girl's or woman's mouth. You are to correct such females. There are not only curse words, but uncomely words as well regarding body parts or certain things that come out of the body that should not be used. Slang terms are a turn off also. Taking the Lord's name in vain is a turn off. There are at least 100 words in the English language that should not be used well especially from women. If for example you mention gas coming from someone then use that expression but in a polite way and not the f word, it is not classy at all. I am not going to list all the words that I myself am turned off by since they are never said by me since I have class, and if you were my girlfriend or wife, I will certainly tell you not to say such words. I also indicate that women should not be wearing string bikinis, showing their butts and breasts. Your breasts should be covered over. I as a guy may appreciate beautiful girls 18 and up, but when you show too much as an athlete runner/track and field, meaning skimpy short shorts or are on the beach or at a pool the thongs that don't cover the lower regions properly should not be worn. You cause guys to lust or be tempted and the sin is on you as well for such immodesty. Tattoos are sinful in nature as well as body piercings other than ear rings that are proper. Do not wear toe rings or put too much jewelry on. Women should like to dress and look like a woman, not a guy. I do not like slacks on females but neither does the Church. It is a sin to wear pants if you are a woman. Girls should not cut their hair to look like guys, it is unbecoming to God and wise men are turned off by the modernist look. Indifferentism is a mortal sin when it comes to the true faith, one must care about his or her soul and the true Church and its practices.

I recommend SOURCES OF CATHOLIC DOGMA, the DOUAY-RHEIMS BIBLE, TRADITIONAL PRAYERS before VATICAN II, RACCOLTA before Vatican II, HAYDOCK COMMENTARY on the CATHOLIC Latin Vulgate Bible, the 1917 Canon Code of Law, Catechism from the Council of Trent, The Delict of Heresy. Pray the Fifteen decades of the Rosary, do your pre-1955 Missal, observe all traditions of the true Church. Pray daily. Fervent prayer is required, pray with true devotion and don't rush pray, have private personal prayers also with other devotions. Do the Miraculous Medal, have a devotion and wear the Brown Scapular, if you can do the Sabbatine Privilege. Go to this and you will see my first intention for others on online. I say let soul saving be your objective on these sites, moreso than a mate. She will come so here is one site: http://www.catholicmatch.com/profile.html. Note that the Bull of Boniface VIII specifies that there is no remission of sin outside the Catholic Church. Okay we may not like it, but we accept it, this is infallible and coming from the Holy Ghost. If it is not then the Catholic Church is just another church made by men. Believe even if you don't understand it or like it. I must obey God not men even if you kill me, hate me, leave me or argue with me. We must persevere to the end in order to be saved, work out our salvation with fear and trembling, pray daily, have private prayers and talks with God, the Blessed Mother and the angels, saints.... There is no remission of sin outside the Catholic Church, so one must be baptized into the true Catholic Church, or if you are a catechumen don't delay and have nothing to do with the novus ordo church or its false rites. Get inside Her now and save thy soul man, girl, or whoever. See the Bull Unam Sanctam by Bonifice VIII 1302 on remission of sins outside the Church, we have to believe this or we are heretics. Does not matter whether we like it or not or even understand it. God's laws and ways are not ours and He is a God that cannot always be comprehended. The Church is one body one head and in Her is her body and soul, the soul is not outside her body for those sedevacantist heretics who think one can be saved inside the soul of the Church that is outside the body, you despicable liars, SSPV, CMRI... you independent heretics including validly ordained priests who are sedevacantists. I AM A SEDEVACANTIST YOU BLIND IDIOTS. I tell noboby to go to your Masses or receive your "sacraments" for you are outside the Church so how can thoust blind leading the blind bring in the novus ordites who are LOST, Jews, pagans, protestants are Lost, not just misguided but sadly will lose their souls for not being baptized members of the Church. If you the heretic priest and heretic sedevacantist are outside the Church, I am not in communion with you at all. I reject you and scorn you. Death to you phonies also. The novus ordo is lost but so are you, you have no true faith in the Church when She alone is the Bride in which we are to be members of in the Mystical Body of Christ.

Go to Richard Ibranyi's site johnthebaptist.us for the What's New section and follow what he says on most issues but read the book Basic Dogmas, Heresy and Heretics, Faith Before the Mass and Sacraments. If Canon Law from the 1917 Code forbid things or taught on a matter of faith and morals, you must follow it. It is rare we can use epikeia. A church cannot be a monster and have two heads such as the thousands of false religions in the world or the Vatican II sect whose body of "bishops" and anti-popes of the last 58 years have become a monster with two heads. A phony bride, the devil in disguise. Now in receiving heretics, you may not ever do this. What it means is you cannot pray with them and you cannot worship with them. There are three points on receiving heretics. You know you cannot agree that they are right on a false doctrine or point of view such as abortion. If you do then you are excommunicated by Divine Law and are outside the Church, and then you must abjure and repent, take the Profession of Faith Council of Trent again then confess your sins to God.... Lastly that third point can be that you may be leading someone to believe that it is okay to pray in a chapel or novus ordo church or sedevacantist outfit and are technically in communion with them. If it is that you agree with them on these matters you are receiving heretics. If someone says to me Dave do you believe that Christ is present in the monstrance because you pray in here and I say yes, then I have received a heretic. I must tell them no I do not believe Christ is present in the monstrance here but I need a place to pray and kneel. I do not have to say hey Laura I am a sedevacantist so don't let my praying here be a matter that it is okay to worship the bread the host in that monstrance. I know what the Church says on houses of heretics. God does not make it impossible for us to pray or save our souls if we seek truth. The principle of epikeia is of necessity when we can no longer find a place to pray and worship God as Catholics. There is nowhere to go for the Mass and sacraments and we persevere to the end. Remain silent and only speak if asked or pressed. Do not lie about this since this is leading a heretic astray and they will remain a heretic and surely die. But if they inquire why dude do you think Jesus is not in that host. Tell them you may win them over later on and they be converted to the true Church and live accordingly. At Thanksgiving which is secular try not to get into the temporal, thank God you have what you have and ask for eternal treasures, do not get so concerned if the turkey is enough for your family and guests, and if Dallas is getting their cowhide butts kicked by yeah dudes and dudesses, dudettes the EAGLES, I hope the birds bury them in their cowhides, okay I am an Eagles fan, but I am not so into worldly things that I do as my family and world do. I thank God for what He has given me and seek to make it to heaven with my wife and children, my family and those that I love the most and hope that you also will do what it takes to put God first and the Kingdom of Heaven, if not you may not obtain it and will be sorry if you don't make it there man, or girlie. Christmas, let's get it straight, it is not your birthday and even if it is, it ain't about you chick. It ain't about you old man, pal, nor is it about buying gifts. I don't buy gifts for anyone at Christmas. Are we to celebrate like the pagans do?

We need no trees or ornaments. I thought it was about Christ the King being born in order to save our damned souls and the preaching of the Gospel. If the Gospel be hid from anyone, let it be known they are lost of their own free will and had it not reached their ears, eyes, or had be brought to them it is because God knew they would reject the true Gospel of Christ so the truth is hid from these poor souls. Now is it possible for God to have mercy on a soul who was judged by Christ to hell? Let us leave that up to God. Do not get so wrapped up get it wrapped up in presents and other things and have the fuzzies once a year toward your family that you forgot Christ. Phonies, fakes, how many do I know and this is even people in my own family who sad to say are LOST. They must enter into the Church as I have or they will not get to heaven. I hope to make it if I die not in mortal sin. So let us not have big birthday parties for one another either. Take your chick out if you must, don't sing that stupid song. We are all conceived in original sin and are not entitled by heavenly standards to a celebration of another year in this evil world. I celebrate Christ' birthday and the Blessed Mother September 8th who are the only ones conceived and born without original sin. Keep your birthdays simple and in moderation, have the cake, and candles but don't let it take you away from your spiritual lives, because you must die and meet your eternal Judge sooner or later when you will have no more birthdays. Is Martin Luther King's birthday a day to celebrate? NO, he's dead and he won't be back, so why do you do it? He was outside the Church so where is his soul now? He is not to be celebrated at all. Celebrate with thy brothers and sisters who are in heaven and who are waiting to get to heaven. Celebrate with those whom you know will make it to heaven along with you if you foolish as you are come to the truth and get inside the Church before it is too late. We will celebrate in eternity with the angels and saints if we make it, I love you and hope I will see you again in heaven. Then I can say to my few brothers and sisters in this world who are of the Church, God bless you, or God speed, let us hold our tongues for those outside Her the Bride of Christ. Now is the time for you to save thy soul, not tomorrow for that day may not come for you. Join and I will say peace sister, peace brother, peace wife, peace children. I would refer you to buy or download traditional Catholic prayers and books, and get the CD from Gerry Matatics Recusant Catholics. I agree with him on this even if you or I don't do it all you can do some things. Next you must do your Missals on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation at home or wherever you go to and pray. Pray in the park, at Whole Foods, Wegmans, a mall or any public or private place. Okay heretics and apostates eat and shop at Wegmans too, so that's a place of heretics also, so go to the novus ordo chapel and pray by yourself unless it is your converted family or girlfriend. It is impossible to escape heretics today, heretics to the left heretics to the right, heretics all around me and under my feet. I also want you to listen to Ibranyi's audio on men must believe in the Catholic Jesus which is alr0036. I do not agree with Gerry that there may be valid bishops today to ordain men to priesthood and that confirmations can take place. There are legitimate and valid clergy still but there is no apostolic succession anymore. Find a validly ordained priest who was sent by the Church who is not a heretic, prove it to me and I will buy a ticket for valid and licit sacraments, hear the Tridentine Mass and go to confession then. Say your confessions to God alone since one does not exist that we know of in the world today. You must have a perfect act of contrition when asking for God to forgive you your sins, and if you have imperfect contrition do better and strive to sin no more, God knows the heart and you must be sincere and if there is a valid priest to go to for confession if one ever pops up under the true sacrament of penance before Vatican II then make the promise you will go to confess these sins privately, not some idiot trying to give you general absolution or sitting in a chair with his legs crossed and you looking at him in person, this is not confession unless you are in a deathbed and he comes to you it is different when you receive confession or last rites. Next is since there is no true sacrament in holy communion anymore you are to say the prayer for a spiritual communion.

Act of Spiritual Communion by St. Alphonsus Liguori (A.D. 1696-1787)

My Jesus, I believe that Thou art present in the Blessed Sacrament. I love Thee above all things and I desire Thee in my soul. Since I cannot now receive Thee sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. As though thou wert already there, I embrace Thee and unite myself wholly to Thee; permit not that I should ever be separated from Thee.
Act of Spiritual Communion

O Immaculate Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of God and Mediatrix of every grace: I believe that Thy dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, is truly, really, and substantially contained in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I love Him above all things and I long to receive Him into my heart. Since I cannot now receive Him sacramentally, be so good as to place Him spiritually in my soul. O my Jesus, I embrace Thee as One who has already come, and I unite myself entirely to Thee. Never permit me to be separated from Thee. Amen.

Act of Spiritual Communion

As I cannot this day enjoy the happiness of assisting at the holy Mysteries, O my God! I transport myself in spirit at the foot of Thine altar; I unite with the Church, which by the hands of the priest, offers Thee Thine adorable Son in the Holy Sacrifice; I offer myself with Him, by Him, and in His Name. I adore, I praise, and thank Thee, imploring Thy mercy, invoking Thine assistance, and presenting Thee the homage I owe Thee as my Creator, the love due to Thee as my Savior. Apply to my soul, I beseech Thee, O merciful Jesus, Thine infinite merits; apply them also to those for whom I particularly wish to pray. I desire to communicate spiritually, that Thy Blood may purify, Thy Flesh strengthen, and Thy Spirit sanctify me. May I never forget that Thou, my divine Redeemer, hast died for me; may I die to all that is not Thee, that hereafter I may live eternally with Thee. Amen.

You must also reject any reforms of Annibale Bugnini when he started destroying the feasts and liturgy of the Church. From 1947 until the death of Pius XII any changes made must be rejected. I refer you to traditio.com site for more information pertaining any changes made in this time period. Since our last Pope died in October of 1958 and we will never have another Pope, bishops or clergy or even sacraments you must persevere until your death. Christ is the head of the Church we are members of now and we have the Holy Ghost to guide us. Pray for discernment in all things along with knowledge and wisdom. Seek the truth and you will find it. May God give you the graces you need to save your soul and souls of others. Next please make your wills out to not have any Mass or religious ceremonies in any novus ordo, any non-Catholic church and stay away from the false trad chapels and the sedevacant chapels for Masses and any sacraments even if what they offer seems valid or licit. They must be rejected as heretics and non-Catholics. You may not be in communion with them at all. To do so is to damn your soul along with their lost souls. When you die have your burial stone ready for the spot in which your dead body will be put in the ground, have your wills made out to others such as family, wife, children and not to have any ceremonies in any chapel or church building since they are the houses of heretics that are to be shunned. God rejects them and even the sedevacantist chapels and its members are to be avoided since they endanger your souls. Have the viewing among those you knew and know from family, friends, work... In your will have the burial home take you straight to the cemetery. They then can throw roses on your coffin before your dead body goes down. Let your soul be saved though and if you make it to heaven the day will come where your body will be glorified when it joins your soul again. I hope I will get there and see you again when that time comes.

The Seven Necessary Things to Be Catholic

Seven things are necessary for a child or adult with the use of reason to be inside the Catholic Church and thus be Catholic:
1. He must be validly baptized.
2. He must know and believe all the basic dogmas of the Catholic Church. If he does not know or believe all the basic dogmas, he cannot be in the way of salvation and thus cannot be Catholic. 1
3. He must not adhere to a non-Catholic religion, sect, church, 2 or any other non-Catholic entity. If he does, he is guilty of the mortal sin of schism and thus under an automatic major excommunication and hence outside the Catholic Church and not Catholic. 3
4. He must not culpably doubt or deny a deeper dogma. If he culpably doubts or denies a deeper dogma, he is under an automatic major excommunication and thus outside the Catholic Church and not Catholic. He culpably doubts or denies a deeper dogma in two ways: a) by doubting or denying it after it was taught to him; b) by doubting or denying it before it is taught to him and his ignorance of the deeper dogma is culpable. 4
5. He must not be in formal schism from the Catholic Church and Catholics. If he is in formal schism, he is under an automatic major excommunication and thus outside the Catholic Church and not Catholic. 5 There are four ways he can be in formal schism from the Catholic Church and Catholics: a) by denying the papacy; b) by refusing to be subject to the pope; c) by not wanting to be in religious communion with Catholics for fear of persecution or scrutiny or any other reason; d) by culpably holding an allowable opinion as a dogma and thus not being in communion with Catholics who oppose the allowable opinion.
6. He must not be gravely suspect of heresy. If he is gravely suspect of heresy, he is under an automatic major excommunication and thus outside the Catholic Church and not Catholic. Grave suspicion of heresy, such as for knowingly being in religious communion with heretics, is the third and highest degree of suspicion which makes offenders presumed heretics. 6
7. He must not be under any other major excommunication, such as for disobedience.

1 See RJMI book Basic Dogmas. And see RJMI book Heresy and Heretics: Baptized men who do not know or believe all the basic dogmas are formal heretics.
2 See RJMI article "How Catholic Churches Become Non-Catholic Churches."
3 See RJMI book Heresy and Heretics: Baptized men who adhere to non-Catholic sects are formal schismatics and formal heretics. And see RJMI book Baptized Non-Catholic Infants and Children: Baptized Children with the Use of Reason Who Adhere to Non-Catholic Entities Are outside the Catholic Church.
4 See RJMI book Heresy and Heretics: Nominal Catholics who culpably doubt or deny deeper dogmas are formal heretics.
5 See in this article "Schism for refusing to be in religious communion with Catholics."
6 See RJMI book Heresy and Heretics: Third degree is grave suspicion which makes so-called Catholics automatically excommunicated presumed heretics. Schism for refusing to be in religious communion with Catholics Regarding Point 5, one falls outside the Catholic Church for the mortal sin of schism not only by denying the papacy or refusing to be subject to the pope but also by culpably refusing to be in communion with good or penitent Catholics:

1917 Code of Canon Law: "Canon 1325, § 2. ...If...he refuses to be subject to the Supreme Pontiff, or to have communication with the members of the Church..., he is a schismatic." A so-called Catholic who culpably separates himself from good or penitent Catholics 7 in religious matters is in formal schism and thus outside the Catholic Church and not Catholic. However, if his separation is inculpable, his schism is material and thus he is inside the Catholic Church and Catholic. But for the common good, Catholics must treat him as a formal schismatic and denounce him as an alleged formal schismatic until he proves that his schism was due to inculpable ignorance. Until his innocence due to inculpable ignorance or his guilt due to culpable ignorance is proved, he is an alleged formal schismatic.

For example, a so-called Catholic is in schism when he believes that an allowable opinion is a dogma and thus separates from Catholics who deny the allowable opinion, as he must if they truly were denying a dogma. If his erroneous belief that the allowable opinion is a dogma is due to inculpable ignorance, then his schism is material and thus he is inside the Catholic Church and Catholic. However, if his erroneous belief is due to culpable ignorance, then his schism is formal and thus he is outside the Catholic Church and not Catholic. In both cases the Catholics whom he separated from must treat him as a formal schismatic and denounce him as an alleged formal schismatic until his innocence due to inculpable ignorance or his guilt due to culpable ignorance is proved. If he proves to be guilty, it would then be known that he is a formal schismatic and thus must be denounced as a formal schismatic. If he proves to be innocent, then he is a material schismatic. But Catholics are then bound to show the material schismatic credible evidence to get him out of his schism. If the material schismatic does not accept the credible evidence that proves him wrong (that proves that what he thinks is a dogma is actually an allowable opinion), then he becomes a formal schismatic. What is said in RJMI book Heresy and Heretics in reference to alleged formal heretics applies also to alleged formal schismatics.(See RJMI book Heresy and Heretics: Alleged Formal Heretics Are So-Called Catholics Who Publicly Doubt or Deny Deeper Dogmas until Guilt or Innocence Is Proved.)

Another way to be in formal schism is by not wanting to be in religious communion with good or penitent Catholics for fear of persecution or scrutiny or any other reason. Must learn the Catholic faith from a Catholic or some other source to enter the Catholic Church As long as an area has at least one Catholic or another source, such as documents or audios or videos, that contains all the things one needs to know to become Catholic, then non-Catholics who have access to this Catholic or other source can learn the true Catholic faith from either and enter the true Catholic Church and be justified and have a hope to be saved. If there are no Catholics in the area, then the other sources, such as documents, must contain all the necessary things he needs to know to enter the Catholic Church, which are all the basic dogmas of the Catholic Church. And if he adheres to a false sect, religion, or church, he must reject and condemn it and its rulers and heresies that he knows about. Every false god, sect, religion, or church has obvious falsehoods that all men can know by God’s grace, the natural law, and 7 Catholics are forbidden to be in religious communion with bad Catholics. Bad or impenitent Catholics obstinately commit mortal sins. A penitent Catholic may be in mortal sin but confesses it and sincerely tries to overcome it. 3 reason.

Hence even if a man never heard of the Catholic faith, he can reject and condemn every false god, sect, religion, or church. If he knows about the Catholic faith, this can assist him in rejecting false gods, sects, religions, or churches. This other source does not have to be a Catholic source. It can be a non-Catholic source that either tries to refute Catholicism or teaches about Catholicism for historical or other reasons. The non-Catholic source can be heretical imprimatured books. The non-Catholic source must contain all the basic dogmas of the Catholic Church and could contain information that would assist the non-Catholic in rejecting and condemning the false sect, religion, or church he adheres to. By God’s grace he can see the lies contained in the non-Catholic sources and reject them while embracing the truths contained in them. To enter the Catholic Church, he would then have to know and believe all the basic dogmas of the Catholic Church; reject and condemn the false sect, religion, or church he adheres to and its rulers and heresies that he knows about; make a profession of the Catholic faith; and get baptized if he was not baptized or was invalidly baptized.

After he enters the Catholic Church, he must continue to learn the Catholic faith, which includes the deeper dogmas he must know by necessity of precept and other deeper dogmas when necessary. As long as he is inculpably ignorant of any deeper dogma, even the ones he must know as a necessity of precept (such as the deeper dogma of the sacrament of extreme unction), he is still Catholic. An area with only Anglicans and Anglican sources An Anglican lives in an area that has no Catholics and thus no Catholic churches. And the area does not have any Catholic sources, such as Catholic books or audios or videos. The area he lives in is ruled by the Anglican Church and thus contains Anglican sources. One of the Anglican sources he has access to tries to refute the Catholic Church and contains all the things he needs to know about the Catholic faith to enter the Catholic Church and be saved. While reading the book, he, by God's grace and his cooperation, takes the Catholic side and not the Anglican side. He sees the lies and contradictions in the book. Instead of convincing him that the Catholic Church is false, he sees that it is the Anglican Church that is false and that the Catholic faith and Catholic Church are the true faith and Church of Christ. As a result he rejects and condemns the Anglican Church and its rulers and heresies that he knows about, makes a profession of the Catholic faith, and thus enters the Catholic Church. And because his baptism into the Anglican Church was valid, he does not need to be baptized. He must then continue to learn the Catholic faith, which includes the deeper dogmas he must know by necessity of precept and other deeper dogmas when necessary. And he must not join or adhere to any other non-Catholic sect or church. And because the area he lives in has no other Catholics and thus no Catholic churches, he has to remain alone in religious matters until he has access to a Catholic church or another Catholic.

However, if he adheres to or joins a non-Catholic sect or church, he then falls outside the Catholic Church for the mortal sin of schism. To re-enter the Catholic Church, he must reject and condemn the non-Catholic sect or church he adhered to and its rulers and heresies that he knows about and make a profession of the Catholic faith. He can also fall outside the Catholic Church without adhering to a non-Catholic sect or church if he doubts or denies a basic dogma or culpably doubts or denies a deeper dogma. In order to re-enter the Catholic Church, he must reject and condemn the heresy that placed him outside the Catholic Church. If he eventually has access to good or penitent Catholics, he must be in religious communion with them or else he will be in schism. If his schism is formal, he falls 4 outside the Catholic Church and thus is not Catholic. If his schism is material, he is still inside the Catholic Church and thus Catholic; but for the common good, Catholics must treat him as a formal schismatic and denounce him as an alleged formal schismatic until he proves his innocence due to inculpable ignorance.

An area with only Vatican II members and Vatican II sources
The Vatican II Church calls itself the Catholic Church, but it is not. It is a nominal Catholic Church, just like the Anglican Church that calls itself the Catholic Church. And the members of the Vatican II Church call themselves Catholic, but they are not. They are nominal Catholics, just like Anglicans who call themselves Catholic. Now an area only has Vatican II churches, members, and sources and thus does not have any Catholics or Catholic sources. Yet a person living in that area can become Catholic by reading the non-Catholic sources, such as pre- and post-Vatican II heretical imprimatured books, and come to the knowledge of the true Catholic faith and Church. He can see where these sources contradict one another and lie. He can weed out what is false from what is true. Among the many heretical imprimatured books there is enough information to detect and reject every false Catholic and false Catholic sect or church. For example, a heretical imprimatured book can teach a dogma when refuting a heresy, while the heresy in that book is refuted in another heretical imprimatured book which itself contains heresies mixed with dogmas. A man who truly and with his whole heart and soul loves God and thus loves the truth will eventually, by God's grace, be able to learn the basic dogmas and all he needs to reject and condemn every false Catholic and false Catholic sect or church. The non-Catholic sources he has access to must contain all the basic dogmas of the Catholic Church and could contain information that would assist him in rejecting and condemning the Vatican II sect and churches and any other nominal Catholic sect or church. To enter the Catholic Church, then, he must know and believe all the basic dogmas, reject and condemn the Vatican II sect and churches or any other nominal Catholic sect or church, reject and condemn its rulers and heresies that he knows about, make a profession of the Catholic faith, and get baptized if he was not.

After he enters the Catholic Church, he must continue to learn the Catholic faith, which includes the deeper dogmas he must know by necessity of precept and other deeper dogmas when necessary. He must remain alone in religious matters until he finds a Catholic church or another Catholic. However, if after he enters the Catholic Church, he then adheres to another non-Catholic sect or church, such as a CMRI or SSPV church, he falls outside the Catholic Church for the mortal sin of schism. To re-enter the Catholic Church, he must abjure from the heretical sect or church by rejecting and condemning it and its leaders and heresies that he knows about and make a profession of the Catholic faith. He can also fall outside the Catholic Church without adhering to a non-Catholic sect or church if he doubts or denies a basic dogma or culpably doubts or denies a deeper dogma. In order to re-enter the Catholic Church, he must reject and condemn the heresy that placed him outside the Catholic Church. And he can also fall outside the Catholic Church without adhering to a non-Catholic sect or church by being in formal schism from Catholics. Do penance, do not give in to sin nor others by what they want or need if it requires you to commit a sin. Avoid the near occasions of sin all the time. Pray like a true saint and pray alone. If you find one true Catholic you can pray with them, but I suggest you pray privately or publicly and be not ashamed of prayer, Christ and making the sign of the cross. Here is one direct link to an audio that will aid you in saving your soul, http://traditionalcatholicsermons.org/MiscArchives/FrRad_ListOfSeriousSinsOfTheFlesh_01-31-10.mp3.
For females of all ages that are pregnant, please contact pro-life organizations such as birthright ababysbreath and other non-profit outfits in the Philly region, state and states or even what is abroad, if you are around the Philly region I can also direct you to the right sources and people. Avoid any place that is pro-choice, uses birth control or abortion such as planned parenthood if you have a pregnancy. Now that you know these things you should know that there are levels of mortal and venial sin. Don't eat meat on Fridays during the year, fasting, abstinence, observing holy days of obligation, prayer, keeping Sunday holy, and it is essential to pray the Rosary for the aid of heaven and the Blessed Mother. If you don't have a love of Mary then you are on the road to hell.